Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dharmendra Documentary

Ok So I have done this post before about Hamara Dharm, but the video I had linked has been removed so now I have uploaded this video up myself so there will be no more problems.

Again, if anybody has any info on this documentary that would be awsome. All I know is that it was made sometime in the late seventies (I think it was around 1977). I heard that it was made to show Dharmendra in a good light since at this time his affair with Hema Malini was going strong and the public didnt like that. Si that is why it is so family oriented. Anyways I would absolutley love to watch this because I love Dharmendra, I think the only person who will be able to help is going to be Aslijat. But again anything will help!



I have been trying for this Documentary from long long time...

have some sources in film industry..who knows Dharmendra...will be trying them to help me out.

Karen said...

Thanks for that DIVSFILMFREAK, your going above an dbeyond for this documentary. Hope you get to see it and then you can fill everyone in!

Asli Jat said...

Sorry, I don't have this one, it looks fascinating though.

Good luck in your efforts to track it down.

Anonymous said...

You are a terrific Bollywood writer.I read all about Rekha and you beautifully summed her love escapades. I was looking for Hema and Dharmendra's love story. Do let me know if you know anything interesting about them.
Are you working for some Bollywood magazine?I am amazed by your deep interest in Bollywood. Congrats for such brilliant write ups and collection of pics.

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