Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My First Sex Experience: Rajesh Khanna

Rajesh Khanna talks about his women & sex

It was so weird to read about Rajesh talikng about his sexual experiences, it was a little creepy! But its a great read!

Rajesh Khanna craze, swept the country like wildfire shares his first Sex experience

The years 1969, 1970 and 1971 in which the Rajesh Khanna craze, swept the country like wildfire, will always be remembered because nothing quite like this mass hysteria ever happened in movie history before. "Aradhana", "Ittefaq", "Do Raaste", "Sachaa Jhutha", "Sa-far", "Aan Milo Sajna," "Anand", "Kati Patang", "Andaz" and "Haathi Mere Saathi" - with bewildering rapidity these films not only became tremendous successes, but they set off and perpetuated a craze that engulfed young and old alike, and hypnotised the entire nation into the sort of concentrated mass adulation which has been afforded, for brief periods, to only one or two other actors before .him.

Much has happened in the last few event-crammed years. The craze of the Super Star was momentarily dimmed (much to the glee of the innumerable people jealous of him) by some flops in 1972 and 1973. Yet in this period he had such hits as "Amar Prem", "Aan Milo Sajna" and "Dushman".

Daag" set the graph zooming upwards again. One woman who had stuck on like a leech got shaken out of his life, and another stepped in as though guided by Destiny to become his wife and the mother of his children - yes, the second one is on its way!
Her arms were always a refuge for me from the fearful, unknown world.

I would rest my head on her bosom and shut my eyes. And magically, all my problems, my fears, would vanish into thin air. Yes. She is my mother. The first love of my life . I remember my father as a hard-working man, who spoke A little and was always away from home. One day I asked my mother about it. She told me the early history of my father.

When he was only ten years old," my mother said, "Your father lost his father, and he was sent to stay at his elder sister's house. When I was married to your father I too stayed with them in a joint family at Amritsar.

Then one day there arose some misunderstanding between your father and your aunt. So he took us away from there and brought us to Bombay. Though I was born in a wealthy family, your father was too proud to take any help from anybody.

When we came to Bombay all we could afford was a one-tenement room in a chawl at Thakurdwar. There was no money. There was only your father's determination. And his hard work. He would have his one cup of tea in the morning and go to work. He had started his own business and had to slog day and night for it.

He never came for his afternoon meal, so on those days I too would skip eating in the afternoons. We have gone
through very hard times, son. But in that chawl room which your father and I made a home, in that room, son, I learned the meaning of life. ..."

I was born, an only child to my parents, eighteen years after their marriage, on December 29, 1942. When I was two years old, I was taken to a little village called Dhamalpur, not far from Karachi, where is situated the hereditary family gods of the Khanna family. And there they named me Jatindra, though nobody has ever called me anything but Kaka ever since.

The girl had large, light-brown eyes and they seemed always to be smiling at me. She would watch me cycling in the compound of the chawl where we lived. Once I fell, and she laughed loud and heartily. Then, seeing that blood sprang from a cut in my knee, she came running out with a bottle of iodine and a wad of cotton to render first-aid.

The Super Star mobbed by teenagers for his autograph in the grounds of Raj Kamal Studios.

I am in a school at Pedder Road, where girls and boys study together, and there is this girl a couple of classes senior to me. She takes me under her wing and goes out of her way to help me with my studies, and is kind to me.

I cannot be more than fourteen years old then.

This girl I'll call her Janice used to go after school to take private tuition's at a teacher's home somewhere at Hark-ness Road. One day she took me along with her. When we reached the place it was just opposite that lovely, deserted beach full of rocks she said : "You go out and wait there on the rocks. I'll just come." It was getting dark, and I was nervous. "Don't be long," I said. She smiled. "Don't be afraid. After a few minutes I'll plead a stomachache and ask the teacher to let me go home.''

It was quite dark when she came on the rocks where we were sitting.

Get up," she said. "Let's move further out."

My heart began to thump as she took me in her arms and kissed me. In a few moments I perceived that whereas I was awkward as an oaf she was adept and expert. I knew then why Janice had brought me here. Perhaps I had known it subconsciously, all along.
My manhood saluted her kisses and caresses. In the dark I could not quite understand the nature of her tumbling's until in a few seconds. I knew. She had freed both myself and her from the artificial constrictions of fabric and button, and now the touch of her hand was an excruciating agony-pleasure.

My heart had gone wild, like an elephant on the rampage. And even as she guided me to?wards her in the damp, sticky-sweet warm darkness of Her desire, I panicked as I realized I'd not be able to contain myself any longer.

And then, the deluge . . She clucked and sympathized like a comforting mother-hen. I felt terribly humiliated and was grateful for the darkness that hid the expression on my face from her.

No matter," she murmured, ministering gently to me, "It's all right. Don't worry."

I'm sorry," I mumbled, voice gone thick and indistinct. "I'm so sorry, I. .."

Shh! Don't say one word more !" her hand stopped my lips from speaking. "There's always tomorrow."

And there was! In fact, there were many tomorrows after that. . .

She was living in a ground-floor tenement and they had that small balcony sort of which opened in the chawl compound. She would sit there combing her long tresses, after her bath, and when she smiled at me I became all hot and confused.

I wanted very much to speak to her. but just didn't have the courage. Then that day I fell and hurt myself. After she dabbed iodine on my knee she helped me up and took me inside.

She brought the cycle and stood it up in the outside balcony. Then she tore some strips of cloth off an old saree and bandaged my knee. As she did so, her face came very close to mine. Before I knew what was what she kissed me lingeringly on the mouth. Black-out!

I shut my eyes and savored the deliciousness of that kiss, it seemed barely a few seconds, and then it was over.

I remember going home' and avoiding my mother for several hours. I simply dumped the cycle in the house and went up to my hideout on the terrace, totally involved in recreating this indelible experience over and over again in my mind.
Surekha, that was her name.

One afternoon she contrived to make up a group of friends to go for a matinee show at a nearby theater. There were about seven or eight of us, boys and girls from the chawl. It wasn't until days later that | learned that each one had bought his or her own ticket, but that she had paid for mine.

It was some wretched mythological and I didn't remember a thing about the movie because in the darkness we were seated side by side, and she had quietly taken my hand in hers.

As she stroked my hand I came to a glorious awakening, an arousal of such a vividly different nature that even to this day I can never forget her for the effect she had on me.

By then of course I was madly in love with Surekha. My entire being was totally involved in her

The experience in the theater was profoundly unforgettable. At one point in the film there was storm and lightning, lots of noise and lots of loud background music and everybody was staring fixedly at the screen, bound up in what was happening up there. And she took up my hand deftly to her bosom, flipped the saree over it, (so that nobody should see) and placed it on one little breast...

Creepppyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just never think about actors (esp. the yesteryear ones) in that way, so It's hard to believe when they talk about it. Dev Anand gives very detailed accounts of two of his sexual experiences in his biography! I really wish actors and actresses were as brazen as the stars of yesteryear with their interviews!


Anonymous said...

If your source for this was the Cine Blitz website, it's only fair to tell you that the site was hacked into. All the juicy stuff after para. 3 is someone's fevered imagination--certainly not Khanna's!

Karen said...

Really? Well that really blows! It kinda makes sense since the interview doesn't flow fluidly! That means the other interviews that I posted here could also be altered!

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