Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Updates Made

I have just uploaded new pics to the Vintage Actress gallery, so do check them out. I personally think that the actress' from the 40' and 50's are a lot more beautiful then the ones from th60's and 70's. Plus do help me identify the last few actress' of the album!

Oh and if Kanan is reading this, Thanx a lot for helping me out with the names of the actresses!


Shweta Mehrotra Gahlawat said...

oki- I went crazy w/ the Misc folder putting in names- maybe u had them already, but it was like a trivia quiz- couldnt stop :D. Thank you for putting all those albums together- they r so great!

Karen said...

Your very welcome for the names and for liking the albums, looking forward for your help on the future!

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