Friday, January 2, 2009

Killing my boredom with Colorization: Part 2

Ok so here is the second set of pictures that i have colored, personally i believe these pictures are ten times better then the one's before! P.S. thanks for all of the lovely comments on the last post.
I really liked the outcome of this one too

I did this one again because Igot some yellow on her blouse so I decided to redo it.
This one is my absolute favorite, it came out really, really good.

Here I tried to color her skin also, it turned out pretty good.


Anonymous said...

These are great! I love the Sharmila skin-colored one. Is that pic from Anupama?

Karen said...

could be I'm not to sure

dunkdaft said...

I just loved Nargis' pic. Great job. I must say, it is a tiring work, filling all with beautiful colors. gr8 work.

karen said...

Thanks Darshit, and no it doesn't take that long to fill in the colors, and the Nargis one is my favorite too!

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