Thursday, July 16, 2009

Please help me Identify these movies

ok, i have been watching hindi movies since i can remember and a few of them have been stuck in my head but only fragments and piece's and i cannot remember the movies, so if you guys could help me out

First Movie:

the first bit of movie i remeber is about a guy (there are a lot of guys in the movie) who drinks a lot, and the doctors tell him to stop because his liver is messed up hand he will die if he even has a drop to drink, then later on in the mivoe the bad guys tie him up and forcibly pour the alchol down his throat.

Another piece that i remeber from the same movie is that a stampede of horses get loose and start to run and in there path is a child, the heroine see's this and jumps on top of the child, then afterwards the hero jumps on top of the child and heroine and the horses trample over them.

Second movie

Has the above guy in it and he plays alawyer who gives advicce to a guy on how to rape a girl without getting caught, and the guy does and in the end it turns out the girl was the lawyers daughter, in the end the hero/villian dies. This movie is called 'Sanam Harjai'.


Nirvana said...

the above guy is sadashiv amrapurkar. dont know abt the movie though



Anonymous said...

Not sure, but the 1st film could be 'Sharabi' starring Amitabh ?

Karen said...

no the first one isnt sharabi,the movie im talking about is from the 90's with no name actors in it, but thanks for trying!

desigrl27 said...

Ahh the first one seems familiar, at least the drinking part, but I can't remember exactly...

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Karen said...
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Karen said...

Bollywood Rocks, im glad you found my blog interesting, i will check your blog out tonight!

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